Wednesday, May 31, 2006


For 2 days running Miss Rani has stayed over 6kg.

Yesterday when we left the Hospital she was 6.03kg, thinking she would be less this morning I was suprised to see that she was only down to 6.01 THEN tonight she weight an amazing 6.16kg.

The have uped the fat from 3.7ml per hour to 4.4ml per hour so that could have something to do with it.

On a sadder note she was taken off the 'active' transplant list for 2 weeks after her immunisations, as the measles one is a live bacteria and they can not risk her getting it if the liver comes in, so we know that we have another 2 weeks of waiting, waiting, waiting!!!! But on the good side she can gain, gain, gain that much needed weight.

But they also think that she could possibly have an infection in the entry point of her TPN (the veins in her neck). The area is fairly red and she was really whingy today, usually she is very happy and when they took a swab tonight, there was some green stuff...I'm guessing that is not a good sign!!!

And then again on the way home we saw another car accident near the Glen Shopping Centre, we saw another one last night as well. But this time it seems that while people were slowing down on the other side of the road to snicky nose cars have run into each other. We didn't actually see the accidents, just the aftermath...but both times there have been lots of police cars and ambulance, I hope they weren't to bad.


Chrissy said...

Am praying the next two weeks brings a great weight gain for your bubba while you wait Mel and that the docs sort out the infection.

Thinking of you as always sweetie...

Love Chrissy xx

Anonymous said...

I hope Rani continues to gain weight and the Drs get on top of the infection.

Thinking of you and your family as always..

Dublin SA

Mish said...

Mel, so please to hear that your little princess is gaining weight, I hope this continues to be the way. You are constantly in my prayers. Huggs!!