Thank you everyone for your emails, SMS's and comments here of your birthday wishes.
I have had a lovely day.
Started with Teagan suprising me by being ready for school when I came to wake them up this morning...I have an ongoing battle to have Teagan ready in the morning - so she decided to suprise me.. :)
Then I got my suprise present from John - a tripod for my DSLR
I had already picked out a charm bracelet and also a buddah charm (for Rani)...I am going to wear the Buddah and Girl charms on my necklace and put the letter charms, heart etc from my chain on the bracelet. I got the bracelet when the kids came home from school.
Then Mum came home with my card (cash...gotta love and a fairy figurine with 3 teddy bears - one for each of my kiddies and also some flowers.
Then Mum and I went shopping - not for me mind you - to pick up some presents for my little
When we got home from the shop there was more flowers on the table - tulips my favourite - John had them delivered home.
Finally a quick trip to the shops as Josh and Teagan both informed me that they needed wool for a Christmas project at school tomorrow...grrrr....I hate it when they leave it to the last minute.
Then just when I think I can rest on my birthday it is time to go again. Off to the School for the farewell of Shirley - the Schools Secretary - she is great and will be missed by us that was a bit sad
Then when we walked in the door, Josh told me it was time for cake as they were almost ready to go to bed. Happy Birthday was sung - cake was eaten - then my 2 best friends came over with more flowers and birthday wishes.

Then I just got off the phone to my sister in London and it is now after mindnight and I am exhausted and happy my birthday is done for another year - now to start thinking of what I want for
happy birthday mel (i did send one via aussilayouts but forgot that you where not on there anymore. hope that you had a great day.
hugs nicole
Hope you had a great day Mel. Your cake looks yummy.
Mel.. Happy birthday girl... sound like you had FAB day!! and i just love that pic of You Josh and Teagan.. cant wait til you scrap it!!!!!
Happy Birthday Mel, it sounds like you had a busy but lovely day.....
Hugs Rhonda
Sounds like you had a great day Mel! Happy Birthday!
It does sound like you had a full on day Mel with some lovely surprises in there as well!
Happy Birthday - you look terrific!!
Hey babe so glad you had a great birthday, hope you're having a terrific kid free weekend with your hubby now too! Bet you are!! ;-)
I am so pleased you had a great birthday Mel - you certainly desereved it :)
Luv 'n hugs
TD xoxox
Glad you had a spoilt day!! & Way to go Teegan that was great thinking of how to treat her mum :)
Hugs, Sal xx
Happy belated birthday Mel!
Hope it was special :)
Lusi x
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