So here are some boring statistics I was thinking of last night.
On Monday Rani will have been on the Transplant list for 12 weeks.
On Wednesday Rani will have been in the Hospital (this stay) for 17 weeks
In 13 days Rani turns 1
In 14 days we move...argh!!!
In the 4 months Rani has been in Hospital she has gained 4.32kg
In the 4 months Rani has been in Hospital her stomach girth has ranged between 47cm to 56.5cm
So I thought I would share some LO's that I have done lately. I have really enjoyed scrapping this week :)

Mel, these lo's are all gorgeous. I particularly love the 2 dummies one :)
All the very best wishes
TD xoxox
So happy she's still smiling for you Mel, stable is good, praying that the liver she so badly needs comes soon!
Look at her with those dummies LOL these LOs are so precious sweetie!
Glad our little Thinking Of You albumn arrived, I hope it made you smile, even just for a little while, there are so many of us hoping and praying for your family love!!
Hugs as always!
Chrissy xx
OOOO great stats!!! OMG moving has come so fast.
Love and cuddles
Wow all of that! I am loving your work..fantastic layouts. The one with John and the kids is terrific.
These are lovely Lo's Mel, it's great that you have found some me time, I am sure you need it!
I just heard from Chrissy that Princess Rani is back in ICU today. I wish I could do something more but the boys and I are all praying that the new liver Rani so badly needs arrives for her soon.
Please give her a cuddle for me, Debbie Y.
Mel, (((((hugs)))))) My prayers are with Rani and you all during this slight hurdle on the route to her complete recovery... Thinking of you all....
Sent you email Mel, but just wanted to add here that I'm thinking of Rani and sending all my best vibes and cyber-cuddles.
Love all your LOs too, sweetie!
I heard that you guys are back in ICU - hugest of hugs for you!!!! Take some comfort knowing that we are all thinking of you and hoping for the very best.
mel, rani and family. thinking of you all and hope that rani improves soon. hugs always nicole
I only want to add my very best wishes for a good outcome from this ICU stay.
I truly hope a liver arrives soon. Maybe, with our combined wishing, hoping and prying efforts, it will happen sooner rather than later.
Sending you all much love,
I've just read Chrissy's email, telling us that Rani is in ICU again. Mel, my heart goes out to you all, I am praying that a liver comes soon and that the little princess is soon out of ICU and back into her own ward.
(((BIG HUGZZ)) love Tess
Thinking of you and Rani and praying for some really good news soon.
Mel I have everything crossed for you that a liver becomes available very soon. Thinking of you all and you are definately in my prayers....hugs to you Princess Rani! btw that 2 dummy layout is sensational
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