Her Nurse noticed that her stats had dropped a bit from ICU she was breathing hard eve though she was sleeping and her oxygen levels were sitting at 90%..so she put the oxygen mask near her face and they picked up but she called the Gastro team to come and see her.
They came down and when they pulled the oxygen away from her face her stats went down again, so they ordered an x-ray to make sure there was no fluid on her lungs. She struggles to breathe already due to the pressure of her hardened liver and enlarged spleen pushing on her lungs. By the time we left tonight we hadn't heard anything about the results. Here is happy Rani back up at 5W and loving all the attention from all the Nurses welcoming her back

But on the bright side when she woke up she was so happy. Her latest thing is making the kiss noise. She loves doing it at pictures of herself (such a vein girl..lol) and Rebecca and I were getting heaps of them tonight. She was laughing and moving and squirming. None of us have seen her move so much in ages, she was twisting around and turning herself almost sideways in the cot..it is so good to see her active. :)
Her weight is now a massive 9.904kg..lol...she is so chunky..lol..but her belly is up to 57.5cm so that is not good...but as I keep saying hse is happy and that atm is all I care about...of course healthy would be great but I am happy to have happy until the liver arrives.
Then John bought in Krispy Kremes for all the Nurses tonight. He went up to Sydney today, so he knew he had to stop off and get some KK at the airport or be killed...lol...the Nurses loved them...the one box her bought in was gone in seconds...lol
OK so here is a LO I did the other day. i am so glad that I found this hobby...it is great to scrap and get taken away with what I am doing. A most welcome distraction from reality...plus it is like keeping a really pretty diary...lol.
This LO is of Rani she always tries to grab the camera like she wants to take the photos not be in all o them. :)

Hi Mel, just catching up on what Princess Rani has been doing while I've been away. Seems like lots of activity! Glad she is back on the ward now! Give her a big kiss from me!!!!
She does seem happy to be back in "her room"! So glad that there has been no sign of blood since this morning, thank goodness!
Hugs to you both sweetie!
Love Chrissy xx
I am praying that the perfect liver comes for Rani SOON!!!! She is so beautiful. Your family is in my prayers. I remember those days of waiting for transplant...it is so difficult! I'm glad that you have so much family support.
Hey Mel
Just popping in to check up.... glad to hear you are back HOME on the ward and that princess is feeling much happier. Not long now until that magic day.....
xoxox smooches and cuddles
Have been keeping track of Miss Rani over the last few months ..even signed up as a blogger (though I don't blog) so I could leave some commnets ..... so glad she is back in the ward and happier ... can't wait to see her once she has her new liver ... had to smile at your comment about love to look at herself in the mirror ... my DGD is only a few weeks younger than Rani and just "loves" herself at the moment ... thinking of you all
Rani, you are beautiful.
So glad whe is wriggling and squirming just like a worm and smiling and happy. Kids are so amazing in how quickly they bounce back.
This is a beautiful LO of a beautiful baby girl.............
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