Started out fine..John went into the Hospital this morning and I stayed home and hung out with Josh and Teagan then at about 2.30 we headed into the Hospital.
Rani was still in a very restless state but John told me that she had had a solid 1.5hrs of sleep, as she didn't sleep really well the night before.
So the kids went home with John and I tried to settle Rani, but her oxygen levels were dropping and her heart beat was increase and her respiration rate jumped from 60 to our Nurse had the oxygen blowing on her again to try and bring her levels up.
Later in the afternoon a Nurse that had recently left RCH came in to see Rani and give her a birthday present as she worked yesterday and she only got to see restless, upset Rani. Rahter than the happy girl she was used to looking after.
Not long after she left Rani's mouth started to bleed, she is teething...but because her platlettes are so low her blood doesn't clot so it was lots of blood. Then when I looked in her nappy there was blood there as well. So our Nurse decided to ring the Docs to come and see her. The blood in her nappy was from nappy rash and again not clotting. While the Doc was looking in her mouth to try and work out exactly where she was bleeding from Rani was tossing and turning and generally trying to get away from the Doc...and then she just stopped breathing. After firstly telling the Doc she wasn't breathing, then rolling Rani from her back to her side and another 2 times telling the Doc she wasn't breathing, our Nurse suggested the MET call. I had some lovely Nurses giving me cuddles and support which was really appreciated.
Then a MET call was called for Rani's room and the other Doc that was at the Nurses station came in and started bagging her with the mask and bag to try and get her breathing again. ICU charged upstairs and took over and suggested that she be taken downstairs to ICU and intubated. I quickly called John and Mum and John dropped the kids off at Mum and Dad's and rushed into the Hospital.
Once we got down to ICU I was asked to leave while they stabilised Rani and intubated her. First they paralysed her so one she wouldn't feel anything and two so that they didn't have to worry about her moving. Then they put a special tube with a balloon at the end down her throat incase her varices bled, then the ventilator tube. Topped her up with blood, platlettes, vitamin K and lots of other meds. Put a catheta in and also a main line (i think) into an artery in her arm to better manage her blood pressure and other stats.
About an hour after we came down to ICU we were allowed to see Rani and if you ignored the blood on her face and the tubes coming out of her mouth she looked like she was having a beautiful sleep. It was really nice to see her tummy going up and down so nicely without the puffing and straining we usually see.

We are sure that she is now Category 1 nationwide for a transplant, but when we left at 1.30am no one could confirm that it had happened so something we will have to chase up in the morning.
I hope this has made sense it has been a very emotionally draining day. Thanks for the SMS's and emails.
Oh Mel.
Hugs and prayers for Princess Rani and her terribly brave family
TD xoxox
Mel I woke up this morning and my first thought was to jump on hear to see what the news was. I guess seeing her having a bit of peace for a change is nice. I am constantly thinking of you all hoping that the news I get next is good. I am home all day so I will be checking in again for any news. Thank you so much for the SMS, I just wish there was more we could all do for you. When this is all over you will deserve one hell of a holiday I say. Love from our house to yours.
oh mel and family - my family is sitting here in tears this morning, corey has asked why cant they just give her a liver?... we all wish it was just that easy...
Mel once again you and Rani are in our thoughts and prayers.
I know with everyone's prayers a liver will come up soon.
Mel, I was very upset to hear what happened to Rani early this morning. I got up nice and early to read the blog. I have all my finger and toes crossed that she has gone to cat 1 and she gets a liver very very soon. Our thouhghts are with you, John and the kids and if there is anything you need give us a call.
I hope a liver comes soon. You are in the thoughts and prayers of a lot of people. {{{hugs}}}
Mel and John, Gail, all of you - very upset to read of yesterday's events. I hope to read that indeed she is now Category 1. But hoping instead that the news will be that a transplant is happening. Shane and I are thinking of you all. Please get in touch if you need to (Shane just called that out to me from the kitchen - he's on the same wavelength.) Rose is barracking very hard for her newest little friend. One strong girl thinking of another.
Warmest regards, Lynne
What a long and hard day for you all. I hope that Rani improves a lot today and is able to go back up to the ward very soon. All our thoughts are with you all.
Oh sweetie you already know that Michael and I are thinking of you, praying so hard for you all and if there is *anything* I can do, even being so far away, that you will let me know.
Thanks so much for your sms, ring me anytime love!
God bless our little one today and always!
Love Chrissy and Michael xx
Mel, John, Taegan and Josh,
I'm joining in with everyone else to pray and wish for a new liver to arrive soon.
Little Rani, hang in there, darlin', there are lots and lots of people praying for you.
Sending lots of love and very gentle hugs, Baby Girl.
Oh Mel..... this is all too much for any parent to have to go through all this. Lets hope and pray now that she is *hopefully* on Category 1 for a transplant, one will be found sooner then later. At least she's sleeping peacefully and not tossing and turning.
Prayers from us all
Mel my heart goes out to you and your family and especially your most precious little daughter Rani.
I am saddened to hear of your very trying day yesterday, but I am praying with all my might that the most desperately needed gift will arrive soon and end all your suffering.
I wish I could reach through the computer screen and give you a great big hug.
You are all in our thoughts and prayers,
Prayers, cyber angels sent with hugs and kisses plus anything else that might help!!!
Best wishes to all of the family. Tracie
Mel sorry to hear of your terrible day and poor Princess Rani, I got on here this morning thinking that there might be some good news.....alas you had a terrible day. My thoughts and wishes to you and your family hope a transplant is coming your way soon.
I know with everyone else hugs kisses and prayers too.
Hope for a better day
Lynn -Parky xxooxx
Oh Mel sending all our love and prayers to you and Rani.
Sal xx
oh mel
i pray everytime i read your blog that the magic words are here and the long road to recovery has started for you are all so brave
happy birthday miss rani
what a scary crappy horrible day you all had....I hope today is a better one for Rani, and fingers crossed for a liver for this sweet little girl who has been through glad you have you many people caring and supporting you at this terrible time....{{hugs}}
Praying hard, really hard for Rani.
Oh Mel..
I have been away and i couldn't wait to come here and see how Miss Rani's special day was..
Now to read this, it breaks my heart...
Im wishing & hoping that everything is well today and little Miss Rani is doing much much better...
Ive also been hoping for a new liver for her and am praying its on its way..
take care & big hugs & kisses to you all...
love from all the Eyeington's..xx
Hugs to you and your family - thinking of you as always XXX
lots of love and prayers for all of you!
God be with you all. I can't imagine how you are feeling. I hope that God will bring you peace and heaps of comfort while Rani is sick.
Hugs kisses and my prayers are with Princess Rani,, love to you all Mel.. take care and take care of the little angel!!!!
Love Connie....
Oh Mel, I have been in tears since Jody posted your SMS on Aussie last night. I am so sorry that Princess Rani is going though all this and I can't imagine how you are feeling. Rani and all of you are in my prayers and thoughts constantly.
Lots of love
Wow! What a day! I am praying that Rani gets a liver SOON!! Rani is a beautiful little girl, and I can't wait to see pictures of her with pink skin! Hang in there...glad to hear that she is status 1 now (hopefully).
Prayers for Rani to get her gift soon.
Laurie (mommy_laurie @ LiverFamilies)
I've been away and come home to a blown up computer so i've commandeered DH's so i could catch up on Rani's birthday news..
Mel..your all constantly in our thoughts and prayers, now more than ever, hopefully now she's on the nationwide list, a liver will be available SOON!!!Thinking of you all today (as i do everyday).
Love Tess xxx..
ps..glad she got her teddy ok and how cute to see her cyber aunties all bought her beanie bears!!!
Mel, I am so sorry to hear that Rani is now so very sick. I'm hoping and praying with all my might that this means they will have a liver for our princess soon. Huge cyber hugs to all your family, your doing a great job as Rani's family, hopefully prayer and some wonderful medical staff will make for some good news soon.
Love with all my heart,
Oh Mel, sending you all super massive cyber hugs for Rani. Hope she is doing better today, she is such a brave gorgeous little fighter. Sending off wishes that a liver for you darling princess will be here asap.
Love and hugs,
Lee xox
Mel, my prayers are flowing thick and fast at the moment for your gorgeous little princess... May she have the strength to fight a little longer and that a new liver arrives for her real soon
You are all in my heart, my thoughts, my wishes, and my prayers.
God keep you all safe in his arms
Michelle xxxx
It is so sad that any child and family has to go through this. I hope that a new liver comes in NOW!! I keep watching this blog and hoping today is the day when finally the news will be good and that she's gone for her transplant. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Heavy duty praying happening here, thinking of you all
thinking of you mel & john. hoping that things inprove for little rani. my thoughts are with you all. hugs nicole
I came here via Scrap of Faith, and I wanted to add my wishes and Prayers for your little one. Keep strong and may your family feel comforted during this time.
A quick comment for all those reading the blog and waiting on news. Shane just spoke with Mel in Rani's ICU room. After a very scary day yesterday, Rani today is holding her own and fighting. Small gains, but in the right direction. On dialysis too. I don't know enough other info, but Mel told Shane it would be OK for me to put this comment here as a stop-gap measure. Clearly, Mel is at Rani's side at the moment, rather than updating the blog. Lots of family in there, and a parade of nurses who love Rani.
Keep going, little girl! There's such a weight of love behind you. Lynne
Thanks so much Lynne for the update! What a little fighter Miss Rani is! And her family! Send all our well wishes and prayers to the Millar family please!
Hang in there Rani! You are so strong!
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