She is still 'stable' although she is bring up speckles of old blood in her vomit and this horrible green gunk (yep..thats a technical term) probably the stuff that has been sitting in her lungs, as she is not coughing anywhere as much as she was.
Yesterday Mum got a delivery of a toy an thought that perhaps I had ordered it...when I told her it wasn't me, after an internet search and a phone call she found out it was ordered by my sister Danielle in London. It is an adorable big horse. Here is a pic

Also another pic.. Rani loves Hi-5 and she loves holding the television remote/speaker to her ear and bopping to the music.

Although on a downer again we missed out on another liver again the wrong blood type. Rani has the most common blood type and no suitable liver has come up. Hopefully soon, as she is in the best condition she can be in to accept a liver now!
Wow, what a gorgeous happy girl. Keep going, little one!
what a happy smiley little face today!! and that horse is adorable and very scrapworthy Mel, but I guess you already noticed that lol.....fingers crossed for that liver very soon!
Look at her beautiful smiling face with that remote! :-) Makes my heart smile!
I hope and pray that now she is in the best condition her precious gift of a new liver will be right around the corner!
Love and huggles Chrissy xx
Look at Rani loving the music coming from the tv remote! How cute!
Here's hoping that the right blood type comes through with the next one!
How sweet of your sister to send the horse!
A friend from work has his little girl coming back to Perth after spending 6 months at Westmead Hospital because she needed a liver transplant after being diagnosed with the same condition as Rani. He has now sent a letter asking Tony Abbott to make organ donation compulsory but allowing people to have the option of choosing not to donate for personal reasons. If this was in place I am sure Princess Rani would be inundated with liver donors.
Her horse is gorgeous and I am glad that Rani has her Hi-5 music to make her happen. Wouldn't it be great if Hi-5 could help promote organ donations!
So cool!!!
Chubby Cheeks suit her down to the ground. How funny about Hi 5, Scottie has just started appreciating music too. Unfortunately in our house its whatever the other kids want to listen to!
Big hugs!!!
Oh what a gorgeous smile..bopping away there!
She is going to be a real dancing queen when she gets back on her feet!
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