1. How old are you? 32
2. How many kids do you have if any? 3 Josh 9, Teagan 8 and Princess Rani 11 months
3. Are you married, single, divorced, widow? Married to John
4. What is your occupation? SAHM who feels like she works for the Hospital...lol
5. What are your passions? family, friends and of course scrapping
6. Are you a dreamer or a dream seeker? I think a bit of both
7. Are you happy with the way you life has turned out? I certainly am, even with all the bumps in the road - i don't think I would change much! Perhaps just a liver for Rani now!
8. Are you a scrapper and if so how many hours a week do you scrap? Most certainly am - when I have the time I try to scrap at least an hour a day
9. What do you want to do before you die? Travel and see Grandchildren
10. What are is your favorite food? Seafood - although at the Hospital I am known for my Fanta and Chicken Chips...lol
11. What is the food you hate the most? Brussel Spouts
12. What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you? Can't think of anything at the moment
13. What is the happiest day of your life thus far? Having my munchins and my wedding day
14. Are you a neat freak? Or a dirty house cleaner? Not a neat freak - 3 kids make that impossible....but like a clean house :) when it is possible
OK the kids had Jeans for Genes day at school today (a gold coin donation to wear casual clothes and the money goes to research) so I decided that after picking them up from school as they were already in casual clothes we would go straight to the Hospital before my Sister came in.
Rani is still classed as stable and was pretty happy again tonight. She reminds me of a Sumo Wrestler with her chubby face. Again she has scratched her face in a different place and it wasn't clotting to well. Also it must have been in a lot of pain as everytime she knocked it she gave out the biggest heartfelt cry.
Last night she must have lost her dummy as when Mum went in this morning she had a different dummy and Mum found her original under the cords for her TPN. Well she has to have them both now. Often having one in her mouth and the other in her eye. Of course being a scrapper I always have the camera handy although still trying to get used to the DSLR.
So here is Sumo Rani with her sore nose and 2 Dummies...lol and of course Rach her favourite Taggie :)

What absolutely gorgeous photos of Princess Rani and her dummies! Can't wait to see the beautiful job you do of scrapping these photos Mel!
This brings back memories of my middle DD...just love the catured monets you have here..great scrapping to come!
If two dummies makes her happy right now then 2 dummies it is!!Emmy used to love to do the same when she was a bubba, with the same type of pink plugs too! *giggle*
Give her a kiss for me ok?!
Much love Mel!
Chrissy xx
Sweet story about the dummies. Uhoh - maybe this is the start of something. We ended up with a plastic box of dummies on Rose's hospital bed. We needed about 10 in the system, she developed such a passion for them! We'd sterilize them in batches, with their plastic box, in the ward sterilizer!
The dummies seemed to be her favourite toys after a while, and were possibly quite comforting for her when it came time for her to be on a ventilator after the transplant.
She's so gorgeous. Enjoy the sumo look while it lasts - I bet all that TPN chub is very useful in her recovery after her transplant.
Sweet little Rani, I wish your wait wasn't so long!
awww how cute is she with that dummy!!! Guess she is worried she might lose it again!
What a little cutie with those dummies. Tahlia used to do the same thing.
those pics are sooooo cute :)
Those pics are soooo cute, she looks gorgeous!! Sweet little princess. Dummies are such a comfort.
Hugs to Rani, you and your family.
My princess is looking adorable..... it makes me smile every time I hear how much she loves her Taggie!!!! Adorable pics too - LMAO with the 2 dummies!!! ((((hugs to you all)))
xoxoxoxo *mwah*
Hi Mel!
Just dropped by from the links from Zina's and Chrissy's blogs. Your family is gorgeous. Love those photos of Rani asleep with her dummies!
I'll be praying that you get a liver for her very soon.
Lusi x
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