She had her MRI and they also injected dye into her liver to see where the bile goes, well all went well with that and then in Recovery, that is when she tried to kill us.
As she had to be disconnected from her TPN feeds for the MRI they were watching her sugar levels as they can drop. She seemed to be doing ok in Recovery and then her sugars dropped to 1.8, they urgently ordered some glucouse for her but she dropped. Her blood oxygen level dropped way down, she actually went pale (very unusual for our yelow girl). She basically had a diabetics crash. She was put on oxygen, had about 5 Nurses and Doctors around her and for about 10 minutes did nothing. Finally she started crying, music to our ears and within minutes was back to normal chewing on her blanket.
We were finally able to go upstairs, where we have been moved into an Isolation room (in other words our own room, bathroom and, as we are going to be at Hospital for a long, long time. It is good and bad. Good that Rani won't catch any bugs from other sick children, Bad becaouse there is no interaction with other Mothers.
Well anyway, by the time we were back to the room Rani was back to normal and starving. So after geting permission I fed her some Fruit Gel while Mum held her and then she went to sleep at about 2pm and slept until 6.30pm.....Exhausting work stressing us out like that, something I and I'm sure Mum nevre want to see again.
Rani's Specialist came in later that day and said that he was going to look into why she was off the TPN for so long and that we wouldn't have the results from the MRI until probably tomorrow. Then I had a short meeting with the Liver Transplant Co-ordinator and next week I have a meeting with one of the Doctors from the Transplant Team. Rani still has a lot more tests to be done, so probably won't be listed for another week or more.
Later in the evening my brother Steven came in to sit with Rani so John and i could have an earlish night which I thou

Here is a quick pic of Rani I took tonight after today's ordeal, chewing on a wet facewasher, he latest favourite thing as she doesn't get any liquid via mouth.
Sounds like she gave you both one almighty scare Mel! Relieved to hear she is fairing ok now after the MRI, you must have been so worried hon.
Cuddles to you both!
Gosh, that was a fright! I'm glad you weren't there on your own Mel!
Thanks for sharing the pic of Princess Rani!
What an ordeal! I'm glad to hear that everything is okay now. This pic of Rani looks gorgeous.
Thanks for keeping us all informed as to her progress.
{hugs and kisses}
K xx
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