This picture shows the different machines that pump Rani full...but makes it imppossible to take her out of the room.
The top two is her milk formula and the other is the TPN feed. The white machine is the pump for her formula and the grey machine is the pump for her TPN.
Down the bottle is another machine with a Fat Emulsion that is also pumped into her Central Line.
Well Rani was in good spirits today.
She had another Albumin Transfusion and I had to laugh when I saw that they had bought in an industrial power board, as the 3 powerpoints above her bed weren't enough for all the differnt machinery pumping different things into Rani...lol
They increased the amount of TPN feeds today but kept the NG Tube feed at 6ml per hour, so she is hungry and actually for the first time in months ate 1/2 a jar of baby food.
She had a weight loss but the Docs weren't to concerned as she gets a large dose of diaretics in the middle of the transfussion to get rid of excess water.
John did the morning shift and I went in later to find Mum and Dad and Josh and Teagan already in the Hospital. John took them home and I stayed. We again have the whole 4 bed room to ourselves, as no one with gastro or throwing up can come in the room, as Rani is very open to any infections and can't afford to get sick.
Today we had a weight gain of 150grams so I am happy.
My sister and her friend came in tonight so I could come home early and spend some time with Josh and Teagan
Fantastic news about the weight gain and I'm so glad you have had some time with your other two cherubs.
Happy Mothers day Mel, I hope you are having lots of lovely cuddles from your kiddies! Rani is doing well with her weight gain - full steam ahead I hope!!!!
Hope you had a happy mothers day Mel no one deserves it more than you. Thanks so much for sharing these photos, I feel like I am getting very educated here, I knew very little about all of this until your plight. Glad you got to spend some time with your other kidlets....fingers crossed things continue to improve
So relieved to hear she has gained some weight Mel, that is really encouraging. Look at all those machines for such a little poppet...
Hugs to you and the kids!
Chrissy xx
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