Looking forward to having dinner with everyone tonight. :)
Well had a lovely dinner of Chinese, some laughs and nice to have a decent meal rather than nuggets from Maccas at the Hospital...lol
The life dramas of the Millar Family...lol...with the occasional bit of scrapping!
Hi Mel, we havent yet met but I have known John for a while as Netspace was a client of mine. He had kept me up to date with Rani (who is so GORGEOUS!)and how she has been doing but now I am able to read your blog and do so often. I am sure you and John must get inundated with calls on how Rani is doing so this is a great way to keep us all updated. It must be such a strain on you but be assured that there are many people who may not know you personaly but who admire you and your strength. Please know that you, rani and your family are often in my prayers. If you ever need anything (kids picked up from school, baby sat ect) please let me know (though I admit the only expireince i have with kids is my siamese cat...lol)! Wishing Rani and the family all the very best.
Sounds like you all had a nice night out for your dad's b'day Mel! It's almost midnight here and now I want chinese!! LOL
Hugs sweetie!
Happy Birthday, Mel's dad!
Must have been lovely to eat in a proper restaurant... McDonalds does get a bit wearisome!
It's great to read that Rani is more engergetic, sounds like a good sign :)
Hugs Mel, hope things are going ok for Rani.
TD xoxox
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