Well I guess I have been a bit slack as I have had this stupid flu for months - it is the most annoying flu...one day I wake and feel like rubbish and think YAY the flu is going to break today and then the next day I am fine. It finally did break a couple of weeks ago but it just keeps hanging around. I don't think the weather is helping much - I mean good old Melbourne weather is unpredictable at the best of times - but my poor body doesn't know what it is in for when I wake up...one minute it is hot, the next it is freezing and raining (which is good we need the rain) and then we have a mix of it all in one day...lol
OK so what have we been up to...I'll start with the kiddies
Teagan has been and gone on her School Camp - they went the first week back to school after the hoidays - she was very excited about it as it was her first camp by herself...not her actual first camp that was last year...but the Camps are Years 3 and 4 and then Years 5 and 6 go together...so last year Teagan was in Year 3 and Josh in Year 4 so they both went on Camp together...this year they are both excited as they don't have to see each other on Camp...lol...but next year I am looking forward to the peace and quiet with both of them on Camp together again..lol...anyway she had a great time, even if they did make her eat vegetables with dinner every night, she shared her Cabin with all of her best friends and they crammed lots of activities into the 3 days. She had hardly any voice left when I picked her up from School - so I definately knew she had a ball before even asking her. :)
Both Josh and Teagan also had their School Cross Country which the top 10 went to the District Cross Country. Josh suprised me when he told me he was hoping to get to District...not that I didn't think he could do it - but my little boy isn't much into any sports and most years whinges about how far it is to run when they do it at School and usually walks with his friends. i truly think he was a bit inspired by Steven and how far he ran in the RCH Fun Run and he has asked to do the 3km Run next year....again I go off track...lol... I told him this year to run for himself, that he doesn't have to stay with his friends and again it was great to have an example - as Steven ran with a friend at the Fun Run - but then went out on his own. Well I was very proud of both of them when they came home and told me where they came. You are put in the age group that you will turn this year - so Josh was put into the 11 year olds, even though he turns 11 Xmas Eve...well he held his own and came 18th out of 35 boys and Teagan came 35th out of 57 girls...a vast improvement from last year and although Josh was disappointed he didn't get to District he was very excited that he came 18th - so maybe next year.
Well we have picked all of our colours, floor coverings, bench tops, tiles, everything...today we have our final tender meeting to finalise any changes we want to make, or extras we want and then it is all put to Council. I am excited but at the same time over it all as I know from now until September when they start building will drag. John and I have also been out furniture shopping trying to get ideas for of course the most important room in the house "my scrapping room". I haven't managed to find the perfect furniture yet! Any ideas would be appreciated...and of course looking for new lounge suite, a new bedroom setting for Josh as he is a big boy now and refuses to sleep in his racing car bed when we move (althoug our agreement was always upgrading his bed when he was 10) and lots of other things. We went out to the display home the other weekend for more ideas, as I found it easier to visualise sizes and layout of furniture by actually being able to see the walls and windows...lol
Well apart from having the flu I have been fine...haven't done any major scrapping except for DT stuff which I can't share yet!. Also really been a bit down...I really don't like April anymore...as it was when Rani went back to Hospital April 19th and never came home. I can't believe that it was over a year ago that she was only meant to stay for 10 days and ended up being there for 5 months. I went out the other day to see my girl...it was very noisy as they are expanding the memorial garden and there was a lot of diggers and trucks, so it was only a quick visit...although I don't feel the need to go down regularily....I talk to her whenever I feel like it. Also 1st May was 8 months since the worst day of our lives.
John and Josh went to the taping of the Grand Final of Australia's Got Talent as John Cousin Al (the human knot) made it through. He didn't win the Grand Final but John said it was great to catch up with him and also his Uncle and Wife...I sadly didn't get to go...stupid flu, I didn't think they would like me coughing up a lung while they were recording...lol Here is pic from back stage of Al, Uncle Grim (Al's Dad), John and Josh.

Danielle for 26th April - the big 3-0...lucky thing flew to New York to celebrate.
Dad 1st May - we actually went out for Chinese last night for his birthday
and TD for TD.
Well that is it...well all I can be bothered typing...thanks for reading this far if you got all the way. :)
great to hear everything is going well, and very exciting news about your house :)
Hi Mel! Lovely to read your update today. HOpe that yukky flu goes away for good. Well done to both the kiddies for their great job on the cross country run. I watched that terribly sad show about transplants on tv last week. I couldn't help but think of your darling Rani as I watched it. I'm constantly telling everyone I know to please be a donor! This show just made me even more determined to always tell people this!
{{{{{Hugs}}}}} Mel, I do hope you get rid of the flu real soon.
Woohoo on the trip to Qld, it will be great for you all.
Thanks so very much for my birthday wishes, you are so sweet to think of me
Luv 'n hugs
TD xoxoxox
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