We had the tender meeting today - which John went to - signed all the paperwork, found out how much all the extras would cost and put down our first official payment on our house...
In a couple of weeks we have to go and pick out all of our colours, flooring, carpet, bricks, ect..which we have pretty much decided on and then we sit and wait!!! until September when they finally start to build.
While John was out paying money...lol....
The kids and I had a lovely afternoon - I simply went to my best friends to drop Teagan off for a sleep over and come home and 3+ hours later Josh and I came home to our dinner in foil...lol... The kids were having a ball playing different games and Sal and I were having a great chat - we don't usually get to see each other during the week as she is at work - so the time just flew by...but it was really nice.
So just Josh and I tonight...we have eaten some lollies together and about to go and watch Foxtel together...enjoy your night.
Oh yeah and I actually scrapped the other night - the first time in months and I am actually in the picture...lol...TFL

Congratulations on being in debt Mel!!!!LOL And lovely layout! Gorgeous photo of you guys!
Oh Mel - I love that lo of you and John - just beautiful.
Congrats on the *debt* too. It will be a god send to move into your own home.
Take care
Luv 'n hugs
TD xoxoxo
How exciting and yep scary too!
I love this LO of you too I love the way you are leaning on each other as if you are each others supports! Just beautiful.
WELCOME TO THE CLUB!!!!!....lol...
just keep thinking about your brand new beautiful house!!!!
You know i love this layout... sooooooo cute!!!
A gorgeous lo of the two of you.
How exciting and scary at the same time to be building. Enjoy!
Yay yay yay love!! All the FUN exciting parts to do now hey! I'm happy dancing for you. You HAVE to let me know the colours etc for the new place when you choose. That was THE most fun part, I could build again just for that alone! *giggle* Oops only kidding! (if Michael reads this! hee hee)
Loev to you and your munchkins sweetie!
Hugs Chrissy xx
Congrats Mel Glad to hear things are good we you. Maria (bluar6066)(SYS) Hope to see you at my new forum soon
Bwaahahahha! Awesome. xoxWedding Dress Shops, Pigalle Christian Louboutin. Designer Wedding Gowns
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