So on 19th December on Mum's Birthday (Happy Birthday Mum) we had a family Christmas / Birthday.
Mum set up the table with the Christmas decorations, had the full traditional Christmas lunch for dinner (minus the turkey) and opened our presents early.
As it was Mum's actual birthday she got her present first - all us kiddies got her a set of golf clubs and caddy.
Then it was finally Josh's turn to get his birthday presents from my family. Of course again he was spoilt. We also gave him his presents from us as they were to big to take to QLD and back. Just some of his presents
Then came the Christmas presents and again both the kiddies were spoilt, including some lovely clothes from my sister in London. We do a KK between the adults and I got a beautiful painting for the new house and John got the and a book on Poker! Of course we also got spoilt from Mum and Dad - they bought us a new pot (which we asked for) then as suprise gifts I got a beautiful huge vase in Red and also the cutest set of 3 little wooden Chinese Dolls (all for the new house - so can't wait to move!)
Then came time for the shared birthday cake (my sister made it) and then Christmas was over...well the first
two christmas'... lucky guys!!!
hope all is well.. how is th ehouse coming along??... we need to catch up my friend its been ages
take care
Happy birthday wishes to your mum Mel for the 19th, that was our 20th wedding anniversary date too!!!! :-)
Hope you're doing great down there love and your little bubs is growing well!
Love Chrissy x
Happy Birthday to your mum Mel, we had an early Christmas Day for my dad too.
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