Monday, November 19, 2007


Our house is finally being started today...WOOHOO!!!!

Here are some photos...mainly for John as he is away on business and missing it all :(

Got to love Melbourne weather...boiling the last 2 days and pouring rain all day


Chrissy said...

Oh yay Mel! That IS exciting! Had a giggle at the port-a-loo thingy, at least for you guys they've put it on the side so it doesn't spoil all your piccy taking! Ours was bright green and smack bang in the centre of the block! LOL Didn't they know I was a SCRAPPER for goodness sakes! *grin*

Hugs and love as always sweetie
Chrissy x

Melanie H said...

This is fantastic news Mel. Woohoo

Anonymous said...

I didnt want to believe it myself until I saw the porta potty ;)

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