I won the "that's My Man" comp at 123 Scrapbook....so money to spend...YAY!! - The LO is a couple of posts down.
Well I had a lovely quiet day today, Mum took the kiddies to the movies and I had 4 hours home by myself. I was going to go shopping, but instead had a nana nap and enjoyed the peace....lol
Tomorrow we are off to my Cousins for lunch and she has 2 littlies so the kiddies have someone to play with.
Well I will leave you with a LO that I did recently for Scrapbooking Top 50 Monthly Comp - It was hard, everythng had to be by the one manufacturer.

Thanks for popping by I really appreciate it and the people that leave comments, they make my day. :)
Congratulations honey!! Well done! :-) Love your share here too, how pretty and romantic with the gorgeous heart and soft colours, just beautiful! (can you tell I'm all sooky without my Michael? *sigh*)
Love to you
Chrissy x
Thats wonderful news Mel, I bet that made your day.
Did the kids enjoy the movies? I bet the quiet time was lovely for you.
Congrats on the win Mel....whooo hooo scrapping money to spend!!!
Love that layout of you and John.. so cute!!
Have a great day at your cousins!!
It's so nice to have time to yourself, isn't it?
Last weekend the kids were bored, so I shipped them off to grandma's house (only down the block) and they stayed for a few hours, but this time instead of house cleaning, and laundry I layed on the couch and watched a movie! I need to do that more often!!
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