John and I made the hard decision to try for the 4th child I had discussed while Rani was in Hospital (when we thought it was a short stay and that she would be coming home soon!). As it took so long to fall in pregnant with Rani (5 years) we knew that I probably had a problem. I went back to my Gyno/Ob and told him that we wanted to try again and he thought I had PCO - which was confirmed via ultrasound.
I was to be monitored every month with a blood test to see if I ovulated...5 months - 5 fails (no ovulation = no chance to get pregnant) which was becoming very IVF was mentioned as the best way for us to have another baby. Both John and I had decided that we weren't going to go down the IVF road, as we already have 2 beautiful children.
So after leaving my Gyno with the disappointing news of another fail I had told him that I was going to take the next month of monitoring etc as we were going to QLD and I wanted to enjoy myself and not stress about dates ect.
Well don't ask me why sucker for punishment or womans intuition I bought a pregnancy test while I was shopping at Coles. I left it until the afternoon and thought what the hell....I have done many of these and was used to seeing one line. So you can imagine my shock and disbelief when there was 2 lines staring back at me.... I was in shock, thought maybe I was making more out of it so took a pic on my mobile and SMS'ed it to John, he saw the 2 lines as
I rang my Gyno/Ob straight away (shaking the whole time)...the receptionist told me to go to my GP and get confirmation and a new referal...I was suprised when later that night my OB called me to say Congrats.
So there you go...we left for QLD the next day with a baby on
It has been a pretty uneventful pregnancy - no morning sickness..I'm really not feeling pregnant at all - which annoys my friends that are pregnant and
So I am 13 weeks pregnant and bub is due 25th March 2008....we are cautiously excited about this pregnancy and very scared at the same time with all the things that can go we are just hoping for a happy and healthy baby in March. The only sad part is that I had to pull out of my Best Friends wedding as I will be eight months pregnant...but she was over the moon for us when we told her.
So here is a pic of our bub from our Ultrasound today

oh Mel, that is just the best news! a new start for you all! good luck and huge congratulations to you all!!
That is the best news Mel, I am so happy for you.
This baby won't replace Rani but it is a new life to love and cherish.
Wishing you all the best Mel, how exciting for you all. :-D
Take Care
How wonderful Mel, Congrats to you and John!
I am so jumping for joy!!!! OMG I can totally relate with the feelings you must have been going through with all those darn PCOS tests. And I'm kicking myself because I didn't have you on bloglines, and I was sure I did - all this time I was thinking you weren't blogging and I get here to find all these fantastic posts. Can you tell I'm excited???
Putting in lots of positive thoughts that the next several months see you blossom as you should and give you guys a beautiful bouncing healthy bubba. Hmmm now can I start stalking the baby aisles again???? Any excuse!
Hugs to you all
congrats to you and your family, big hugs to all
That's the best news I've heard all day! I'm so happy for you guys! Congrats!
I am so so so SO happy for you Mel (OK and John), this is absolutely FAAAAABULOUS news hun, CONGRATULATIONS!!! WOW!!!
Here's cheers for a safe, happy and healthy pregnancy hun :) YAY YOU!!!
oh my god that is fantastic news
i so wish for u guys the most normal of pregnancies, birth and beyond....congrats
We are very pleased and excited to hear your great news. All the very best for the remainder of your pregnancy.
Jacki and David Manser
Wow - what wonderful news, John & Mel! I know Mark would have wanted to be among the first to congratulate you.
Wishing you a safe and uneventful pregnancy.
With much love,
Trish Upham
(Mark Baldock's mum)
You know how rapt I am for you and John. Here's wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy darl!
K xx
Mel -
I am so happy for you guys. You & Rani are remembered on the Liver Families website. You should post your news there - there would be so many who celebrate with you. Angel Jackson's mom just gave birth to a healthy little boy.
Prayers for a healthy "pink" baby - and not just a little girl.
Stacy - Tanner's mom from LiverFamilies
Oh Honnee......i am OH SO OVER THE MOON FOR YOU AND JOHN!!.. but your already know that!!!...
and baby looks so sweet in her/him first photo!!
CONGRATS my dear friend... love to you!!
Oh mel that is WONDERFUL news for you and your family... I am so happy for you all.
Wishing you a healthy and happy pregnancy and may you be blessed with a happy healthy bubs.
Huggs to you
Tracy x
I'm just so over the moon with joy for you all!!! Biggest hugs and best wishes for an incident-free pregnancy xxxxxx
Oh wow! I don't think I have words, just teary here. What a blessing love. Rre-read it again to make sure!!
(Sorry I didn't check in sooner Mel, health things going on my end and an overseas hubby means I'm trying hard to do the single working mumma thing. Some days successfully, some days not quite so! Will be praying for this bubs to be good to her/his mummy over the next few months! Love to you. C x)
a big congrats Mel. Hope all goes well.
Oh Mel..what wonderful news. Congratulations!!
Wishing you a perfectly happy and healthy pregnacy.
All my love
Marilyn Peter
Congrats Mel. Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy. Will be praying that bub is happy and healthy and all goes smoothly.
Amazing, blessing, congrats, delightful, exciting, fantastic, gorgeous, hopeful, inspiring,joyous, . . . on the news of your fourth child.
I could go right through the alphabet Mel, I am so, so thrilled to hear your news. Your children's reactions brought tears to my eyes.
Congrats on your very exciting news.
I am so very happy for you :o)
Amie xx
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