OK so the 2 fire trucks...well on Monday night we were getting ready to sit down for our Monday night roast and Mum couldn't work out why the carrots were burnt. When she looked int he oven it was glowing amber, it was on fire behind the fan. Dad grabbed both of the fire extinguishers only to find that they were both not working (he bought a new one home tonightt) and my sister called the Fire Dept. We were really concerned that it was in the roof as the smoke alarm at the front door kept going off, but not the one closest to the kitchen. Well I took Josh and Teagan out the front to wait for the fire truck and I could tell Josh was really quite freaked out by the whole situation...plus not knowing if it was in the roof I thought it was safer having them outside. Mind you the whole time I am thinking that I should grab my albums...lol...Well a couple of minutes after calling the Fire Truck the 1st one turned up and they saw that it was all contained in the oven and then another fire truck turned up..they all wanted to stay and have Roast as it was sitting on the bench ready to be served.
So we had 2 fire trucks, 6 firemen in the house, 2 firemen with the trucks and no fire...lol...but we felt better knowing that they checked everything out...they went up into the roof and made sure everything was safe...so now Mum and Dad have to either see if the oven can be fixed or buy a new one!
So what an interesting start to the school holidays!
Well John was away and missed all the action...lol...and he thought I was pulling his leg when he called and asked how my day had been...but he will be back tomorrow night.
The kids are excited as they are going with Mum to see Shrek 3 tomorrow and taking a friend and then she is coming back here for a play. It is great to see that they get along so well considering they only met in January and have seen each other 3 times since then, but Josh and Teagan are very excited about seeing her tomorrow.
Well I will leave you with some scrapping I have do for some of the Challenges at Bon's.
This one was a real challenge, I struggle with white spaces but the challenge was to scrap in a section 6 x 6 and have strip journalling - but I am happy with the outcome.

This one is for the Book of? Challenge - I am doing an 8 x 8 album of the building process.

I am also doing a mini journal for July..using a quote and a journal entry (mine is kind of like a diary) Charm set the challenge and so far I am loving it...I am sure it will be fun to look back on.
Thanks for dropping by :)
Too funny about the fire trucks! Love the "white space" layout!
Oh the excitment Mel. Lol
Congratulations on post 200.
Im sure they will love Shrek 3, I watched it on DVD the other night and loved it.
i love your white space page!! AND WOW!!! 200 posts!
And I bet that was the yummiest roast any of you have had!
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