I have been having a bit of ME time...got a little depressed and have been failing blood tests...lol...so i have taken a break from Meds and other down stuff until after our holiday so I can enjoy that....it is coming up so quickly.
So we are now organised for our trip to QLD...have all the passes to the Theme Parks, have booked our accomodation and I think I have managed to find the cheapest deal with Car Hire so will probably book that this week and we are ready to go.
Mum and Dad just spent a week in Port Douglas...I am sure they loved the time away from us all and of course have come back to Melbournes freezing mornings and our lovely 11 degree days...lol
Not a lot else has been happening with us. Josh has had 2 lots of talks for school and we have all learned things about people we never knew about...lol... Teagan is doing swimming this term, 9 straight days of swimming, she is liking it but she seems to be coughing lots at night...I plait her hair but swimming and winter just don't mix.
Other than that I have been scrapping just for me lately...no DT stuff, no challenges just pages for the fun of it and I really enjoyed...so I will leave you with my latest pages.
Thanks for dropping by

OK so this one was for the 123 monthly challenge

and this one was for Bon's Monthly Challenge...it is John's latest tattoo in memory of Rani

nice blog
What lovely LOs Mel!! Don't forget to let me know sweetie when you're here so we can catch up, I'm so looking forward to you visiting!
Love to you as always darl!
Chrissy xx
gorgeous LOs mel :) keep smiling!
Mel, I am so pleased the holiday is all arranged.
Love you lo's, sp the one o John's tat, with the bling :)
Luv 'n hugs
TD xoxoxo
PS: I'm pleased you are back blogging
Gorgoeus layouts Mel, I love the tattoo layout.
Hope you have a fantastic time in QLD.
Great news about the holiday...swimming in winter? It must be freezing when Teagan gets out! Poor little thing.
Great layouts and good on you for having some ME time!
hi honey... loving the new layouts!!!
Love connie......xxxx
Hello, Im a friend of John's from Warcraft wanting to say hello and best wishes. The Guild wishes the best. Actually i would like very much to talk with Mastah to say hello pls give him my email and my best :D
Jastreborn (Andrew Rivera ,US)
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