Well I even scrapped today...not majorly happy with the final outcome...you know how it is when you picture it in your head and then when it goes onto the paper it doesn't work...but hey i will play with embellishments tomorrow...i am just happy I scrapped.

Thank you again my friends for your invaluable support :)
great photo Mel..
and im glad you scrapped...
it is usually can make things a little better if you can vent it out...
take care..xx
Yay for you scrapping Mel. For me scrapping is such great therepy, every little bit you can do will help I think. And don't worry about not being able to scrap Rani yet. The pain is still too raw and you need to let it rest for a while. But I am sure that the time will come when you are ready to express your feelings for her and about her life by scrapping her story. Just take it 10 minutes at a time - sometimes that is all you can do.
Michelle B
Bwaahahahha! Awesome. xoxdresses with sleeves!?! buy louboutin shoes. Flower Girls
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