Well they did a phone interview to get the word out about Rani and the serious lack of Organ Donation in Australia.
This morning I awoke to find a link in the comments of my blog that it is in the paper today.
We thought we were going to be told..but I have just rang John wh is heading to Tasmania and he said he has heard nothing...as after he did the phone interview he was told that their was no guarantee that the story would run...
but anyhow here it is...
Rani's Story

Good on you John, for getting the word out about organ donation! Keep it up.. and hopefully people will spend a extra 10 mins to fill out the forms from medicare and consider organ donation.
Good on you John, for getting the word out about organ donation! Keep it up.. and hopefully people will spend a extra 10 mins to fill out the forms from medicare and consider organ donation.
Guys, you're fantastic. This article will break the hearts of anybody who reads it. I hope that beautiful little Rani's story continues to be heard. Best regards, Lynne
I just read the story!! WONDERFUL..the word is getting out now guys...Rani's legacy i believe, was to make us aware..Thank you, for carrying on her legacy..Proud of you both!!
Mel it's wonderful that Rani's story is being heard and is making more people aware of the desperate need for more organ donation. I applaud you both for being so courageous.
It's very hard to read those statistics, heartbreaking in fact! I'm glad that you guys did the story and I hope that it can help save the heartache for other families. Thinking of you every day!
Saw the online story Mel. Good on you both for doing the story.
Lots of love
Tracey xx
Read it this morning, Mel. Hope it will make people think about organ donation. Hope you are all hanging in there.
I too saw the article (someone posted the links over at AussieLayouts). So glad the message about organ donation is getting out. So sad that it couldn't have happened in time to help Rani. I pray that other families don't have to go through what you went through.
So glad that the word is spreading, Mel. I e-mailed 3AW and asked if there was a link to Johns Interview but there was none.
I don't buy the papers but a friend does. I will try and track down the edition.
In a way, I suppose this is helping you wade through your grief..............
Much love,
This is a great story and a wonderful thing to have happened.
It's so important love, you and John are indeed doing a very wonderful thing even though it must be just so hard especially now.
Hugs to you sweetie!
Love Chrissy xx
wonderful news that the word is being spread
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