We are finally packing up and the house and getting ready to move.
Can you believe that Friday the house will be all ours and the big move happens on Saturday.
I can't believe that finally we will be living in our new house. I will miss living with Mum and Dad and I am sure that in a way they will miss us. Perhaps Mum won't miss cooking, cleaning, washing and ironing for us (well the kiddies) but I am sure she will miss spending time with her grandkiddies, especially her snuggle times with Kai.
In a way all the delays with the house have worked for us. It was much easier to come back here after having the C-section with Kai and just to know that if I needed anything Mum was more than willing to help me out. Also to know that if I needed to pop out quickly I had someone to watch Kai rather than getting him in and out of the car and with this cold weather we have been having it is way better for him to be inside with the ducted heating.
But we are very excited to be moving and a little sad to be leaving Mum and Dad's...but it will be great to have our own routine, the kiddies their own space and Mum and Dad to have their house back to them again...lol
We worked out the other day that we bought the land on March 1 2007, so over a year we have been waiting for this move. I will update with photos when we are in the house, as I have been a bad scrapper and forgot my camera everytime we have been out to the house.
So we are busily packing, buying all the things that are needed in a new house and just when I think I have got everything another 10 or so things go back on the list...lol...but I am sure there will be even more once we unpack.
So as people have been asking here are some more pics of Kai and when I got more organised I will post some more.